Q: Where are you?
A: We are a store in China, shipped around the world!
Q: What currency does your store receive?
A: Our shop charges are in US dollars.
Q: What mode of transport do you use?
A: more expensive goods, we will use FEDEX or DHL, relatively low prices of free shipping items we will use epacket, or China Post
Q: About transit time
A: General FEDEX or DHL transport time within 7-10 days, epacket transport time in 10-15 days, China Post time is generally 15-20 days, or even longer, so try to choose fast delivery, because cheap logistics Lost without compensation.
Q: Do you offer express shipping?
A: Yes we do! We use FedEx or DHL services as our express carrier. Please contact us directly so we can arrange everything with you!
Q: What happens if my package is missing or stolen?
A: It may simply be misplaced by the delivery driver or misscanned by the driver and arriving later than originally stated.
Please mail us (Support@lovelyboxbytina.com) right away so that we can begin to prepare a free reshipment for you immediately.
While you are waiting, please:
Q:What happens if my things came damaged?
A: Don't worry! Please reach out to us right away with a photo of the damaged item(s). We'll begin to process a free reshipment for those things for you!
As soon as we ship your reshipment we'll send you another tracking URL!